Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


Smart Vitrine Trading and Advertising Company, has created an application called Vitrine Furniture, which is a marketing application in Egypt that allows the selling’s and purchases process of furniture and decoration products.

A set of general terms and conditions have been placed upon the users while using the application and these general terms and conditions are regulated by your use of the App and any related services.

When you use the application, you acknowledge that you accept these general terms and conditions in full, and if you do not agree to the general terms and conditions or part of them you must not use the application (Vitrine Furniture).

You agree that the "you" conscience of the addressee in these general terms and conditions refers to the buyer whether he is a single user, company or legal entity unless otherwise required.

Article 1: Registration and account

  1. You may not register for the App if you are under 18 years of age (when using the App or agreeing to these general terms and conditions you represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years of age).
  2. If you sign up to open an account on the App, your email address/username and password will be requested and you agree to the following:
  • Keep your password confidential.
  • Notify the application immediately (through the means of communication described in article 10) if your password is disclosed.
  • You acknowledge that you are responsible for any activity on the App resulting from your failure to keep your password confidential, and acknowledge that you may be held liable for any losses arising as a result of such failure.
  • The company is not responsible for any activity carried out through your account due to the poor retention of the account holder’s password or username.
  • You are obliged to use the account on your own and that account may not be transferred to any third party and you are responsible if you delegate the administration of your account to any third party.
  • Smart Vitrine owners of the application shall have the right, at its sole discretion and without prior notice or reasons, to suspend or cancel your account, and/or to modify the account data.
  • You may cancel your account on the App by contacting us in accordance with article 10 of these terms and conditions.

Article 2: Terms and conditions of sale

The user acknowledges and agrees to the following:

1- Vitrine Furniture application is an electronic application for sellers to sell their products and for buyers to purchase these products.

2- The App will accept purchase orders on behalf of the seller, and the App is in no way a party to the transaction between the seller and the buyer.

3- A purchase contract for the product or products is concluded between you and the seller and you are therefore obligated to purchase the product or products when you confirm the purchase.

4- You are obliged to pay delivery, packing and transportation fees, administrative fees, insurance costs, and other additional costs and charges that apply and are in force in the Arab Republic of Egypt from time to time.

5- You are obliged to send a copy of the invoice to Smart Vitrine within three days at the latest from the date of receipt of the purchased products, by communicating in accordance with article 10 of these terms and conditions.

Article 3: Return of products and return of their value

  1. Returns of products are managed by buyers through the seller, with Smart Vitrine informed to assist in them, and the acceptance of the returned product is in accordance with the return policy announced by Smart Vitrine, consumer protection laws, and laws in force in the Arab Republic of Egypt in this regard.
  2. In the event of purchase and payment through the application, the refund of the returned products is made through the seller and with the assistance of Smart Vitrine in this, and the refunds will be in accordance with the refund policy announced by Smart Vitrine. However, if the purchase is made at one of the seller's outlets and paid directly to him without the brokerage of Smart Vitrine, the management of the refunds of returned products is done through the seller alone, and in all cases, the applicable laws are observed, taking into account the following:
  • Price of the product
  • Shipping charges
  • The value of the product is refunded by depositing a balance in your account, or by purchase vouchers, telephone transfer, bank transfer or any other method that Smart Vitrine may specify from time to time.

3. Any amendments made to the refund policy announced by Smart Vitrine shall apply immediately upon its approval and implementation.

Article 4: Rules of your content

  1. Your content must be decent, civilized, tasteful and conform to generally accepted standards of online etiquette and conduct, and must not be:
  • Content that is offensive, inappropriate, pornographic, obscene, suggestive or sexual, that incites violence in an explicit, graphic or unjustifiable manner, or that calls for violations of laws on racism, religion, hatred or discrimination; content that is deceptive, fraudulent, threatening, offensive, harassing, anti-social, inciting hatred, discrimination or inflammatory, or any content that is likely to cause undue harassment, inconvenience or anxiety to any person, or is random and undesirable.

2. Your content must not be unlawful, violate anyone’s legal rights, or cause any lawsuit against anyone and your content must not be deemed a breach or breach of the following:

  • Any copyrights, moral rights, trademark rights, design rights, or intellectual property use rights.
  • Any rights associated with third party personality or rights under data protection laws.
  • Any contractual obligation owed to any person.
  • Any judgment issued under any court ruling.

3. You commit not to use the application to link to any website or web page.

4. You undertake not to display any content on the App that is or has been the subject of any legal proceedings or any other similar complaint.

5. The rating feature is used to facilitate the buyer’s evaluation of products and you may not use the rating feature or any other form of communication to provide inaccurate, incorrect or fake ratings.

6. You commit not to interfere with any type of transaction by:

  • Contact another user to buy or sell a product listed on the app.
  • Communicate with another user to warn them of a particular buyer, seller or product.
  • Contact another user for the purpose of collecting any payments.

7. You should exercise caution when communicating with other users and not send personal information including credit card details and other personal data.

8. Smart Vitrine has the right to periodically review your content and may remove any content at its discretion for any reason.

9. You must immediately inform Smart Vitrine if you discover any illegal content or activity on the App or any content or activity that violates these general terms and conditions, by communicating in accordance with article 10 of these terms and conditions.

Article 5: Use of the application

1. Smart Vitrine may suspend or restrict access to the App in whole or in part and/or use any property on the App, for example, suspend access to the App while the application server maintenance work or any updates work and you commit not to circumvent, bypass, or attempt to circumvent or override any restrictions on access to the application.

2. Application user refrain from the following:

  • Use the App in any way or take any action that would or might cause harm to the App or hinder performance, availability, accessibility, integrity, or security.
  • Use the App in any way that is unethical, illegal, fraudulent, harmful or in connection with any purpose or activity that is illegal, fraudulent or harmful.
  • Penetration or manipulation of the application.
  • Investigate, inspect, or test application vulnerabilities without the permission of Smart Vitrine.
  • Circumvent any authentication or protection systems or procedures related to our application.
  • Use the App to copy, store, host, transmit, use, publish or distribute any content consisting of (or related to) any spyware, computer viruses, Trojan Horseau, Worm, Keystroke Loggeror, Rootkitt, or other malicious computer programs.
  • Impose a reasonably large load on application resources (including bandwidth, storage capacity, and processing capacity).
  • Conduct any regular or automatic data collection activities (including but not limited to dredging, mining, extraction and data collection) from the application without the written consent of Smart Vitrine.
  • Do anything that goes against the normal use of the application.

Article 6: The role of the application as an electronic store

1. In the event of a problem arising from the purchase of a product from the store, the buyer must resort to the seller of the product by following the procedures stipulated in the return policy declared by Smart Vitrine and the consumer protection laws.

2. The seller concerned ensures the completeness and accuracy of the information regarding his products on the application.

3. If the buyer has a complaint regarding the quality of the product, the buyer can resort to the relevant seller by following the procedure set out in the refund policy declared by Smart Vitrine and the consumer protection laws.

4. We do not warrant or pledge that the App will operate without error, or that the app store or any service in the store will remain available during events beyond the control of Smart Vitrine (Force Majeure Events) which include but are not limited to floods, droughts, earthquakes or other natural disasters. Piracy, viruses, malware or other malware attacks on the store, terrorist attacks, civil war, civil unrest, riots, war, threat or preparation for war, epidemics, or unconstitutional events or circumstances that materially and negatively affect political or economic stability.

5. We reserve the right to discontinue or change some of the App services, and to stop the App, at any time in our sole discretion without notice or explanation, and you will not be entitled to any compensation or other payment upon discontinuation or change of any of the App services. Or if we stop the App and this without prejudice to your rights in relation to any unfulfilled requests or other obligations from your prior dealings on the App.

Article 7: Total terms and conditions

These general terms and conditions, policies and guidelines of the application constitute the entire agreement between you and Smart Vitrine regarding your use of the (Vitrine Furniture) application.

Article 8: Review and amendment

Smart Vitrine has the right to review these general terms and conditions, policies and guidelines of the application from time to time, and shall apply as soon as they are approved and implemented.

Article 9: Non-waiver

Any waiver of any breach of any of these general terms and conditions shall not be construed as an implied or continuing waiver of any other breach of these terms and conditions or any breach of any other provision of these general terms and conditions.

Article 10: Smart Vitrine contact data

You can contact us using the following contact details:

Smart Vitrine Trading and Advertising Company


Whatsapp: 01120210077